Monday, June 6, 2016


Yesterday was our sweet baby B's blessing day.  Casey was able to do this for him and did such a wonderful job.  We have lots of hopes and dreams for our babies, I want them to grow up to be good people and honest and kind.  I hope we can be good enough examples of this for them.
In preparation for his blessing day, I was in search of the perfect white outfit to bless him in.  I wasn't feeling the cute little white tuxedos for my guy, and a knit outfit was going to just be too hot for a 90 degree June day, so I went to that handy pinterest site and found the perfect thing for my guy to make!  Now I'm no seamstress by any means, but I've been experimenting with my sewing machine, and have made a few things, so I thought I could handle a simple little project for my boy.  I found instructions to made a darling little cardigan onsie.

I've never sewn buttons onto anything before, so that was a little new and challenging for me, but I think it turned out great!  The bow tie was made by my cute friend over at Kates.bows.  You can find her on instagram or facebook, she makes the most darling bows and headbands!
My guy looked so handsome in this! Simple yet classy.

So much of our family came to see our guy be blessed.  I am so grateful that Casey and I both came from such wonderful families!  He has two sets of grandparents that just love him to pieces, and several aunts and uncles that would do anything for him! And many, many cousins who love him too! Casey and I are very lucky for the people we do have in our lives, and are beyond blessed with all that they do for us!  It's been an amazing journey to get our babies here and to be surrounded by family that love us and our children!

Many thanks to our friends and family that made this weekend so special for our guy! Know that you are loved and appreciated!